Privacy policy.


NYTA Consulting Ltd does Business Consulting Service, primarily throughout the UK.

The purposes of this privacy notice/policy are to inform about your rights, what information we collect, how we use and protect it.

NYTA is dedicated to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of information entrusted to us in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018 including its applied GDPR provisions (DPA 2018).


What personal information will be collected?

The categories of data that will be collected are:

  • Contact details

  • Personal information: name, date of birth, gender, location, marital status etc.

  • Login credentials

  • Card details/payment information

  • Private and business records: health, financial, criminal 

  • Purchase orders of products and/or services

  • Website/app usage data and user preferences: marketing cookies etc.

  • Information obtained or transactions conducted by third parties (e.g. payment made through PayPal/Stripe etc.)

How will the information be collected?

The data and information will be collected both directly and indirectly as follows:



We obtain personal data directly from individuals in a variety of ways, including obtaining personal data from individuals who provide us with their business card(s), complete our online forms, subscribe to our newsletters and preference centre, register for webinars, attend meetings or events we host, visit our offices or for recruitment purposes. We may also obtain personal data directly when, for example, we are establishing a business relationship, performing professional services through a contract, or through our hosted software applications.



We obtain personal data indirectly about individuals from a variety of sources, including recruitment services and our clients:

  • Public sources -- Personal data may be obtained from public registers (such as Companies House), news articles, sanctions lists, government intelligence and crime prevention agencies and internet searches.

  • Social and professional networking sites -- If you register or login to our websites using social media (e.g., LinkedIn, Google, or Twitter) to authenticate your identity and connect your social media login information with us, we will collect information or content needed for the registration or login that you permitted your social media provider to share with us. That information may include your name and email address and depending on your privacy settings, additional details about you, so please review the privacy controls on the applicable service to set how much information you want shared with us.

  • Business clients -- Our business clients may engage us to perform professional services which involves sharing personal data they control as part of that engagement. For example, we will review payroll data as part of an audit and we often need to use personal data to provide global mobility and pension services. Our services may also include processing personal data under our clients' control on our hosted software applications, which may be governed by different privacy terms, policies and notices.

  • Recruitment services -- We may obtain personal data about candidates from an employment agency, and other parties including former employers, and credit reference agencies.


How will the information be used (including shared/disclosed)?

We collect this data for the following reasons: 

  • Consent

  • Contractual obligation

  • Legal obligation

  • Key interest

  • Public interest/task

  • Legitimate interest

We may process personal data in order to meet our legal and regulatory obligations or mandates.

The information will or can be shared with employees and agents, associated companies and contracted agencies.

How will the data be stored and secured (including security practices)?

The data will be stored in a Microsoft 365 business cloud storage facility and my/our security practices are:


-        Maintaining private passwords

-        Use of biometric access requirements on hardware


Changes to and retention of the data

You are able to make changes to your data by contacting us using the email address and should do so in the following circumstances:  legal change in name or address/phone number change.

We retain personal data to provide our services, stay in contact with you and to comply with applicable laws, regulations and professional obligations that we are subject to. Unless a different time frame applies as a result of business need or specific legal, regulatory or contractual requirements, where we retain personal data in accordance with these purposes, we retain such personal data for seven years.


User’s rights including the right to object or withdrawal of consent

Your consent to our usage of your data can be withdrawn at any time. To do this, you must ontact us using the email address and request deletion of data. Under UK data protection laws users have the following rights: 

  • The right to be informed about the processing of personal information;

  • The right to have personal information corrected if it is inaccurate and to have incomplete personal information completed;

  • The right to object to processing of personal information;

  • The right to restrict processing of personal information;

  • The right to have personal information erased;

  • The right to request access to personal information and how it’s processed;

  • The right to move, copy or transfer personal information; and

  • Rights in relation to automated decision making which has a legal effect or otherwise significantly affects the user.

The above rights cannot be exercised in all circumstances and therefore not all requests will be approved by us. Any responses received will outline which rights apply (or don’t) and whether we will comply with the request or not and the reasons why. 


Opting out of communications

You have the right to opt-out of marketing and other non-essential communications. To do this, you must manage communication preferences, by contacting us using the email address


Right of complaint

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office which enforces data protection laws:


Cookie policy

Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your browser by our site. It helps us remember information about your visit, which can help and improve your experience of our website/app. 

We use them for analysing website traffic, enabling features, personalised content, purchases and order information. 

Disabling cookies: Give the option to accept/reject and select preferences and explain under each of the following sections what the purpose of each cookie is:

  • Required/Strictly necessary cookies

  • Functional cookies

  • Analytical cookies

  • Preferences cookies

  • Advertising cookies

  • Third party cookies and links to other websites

 Changes to the notice/policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this notice/template at any time to reflect updates to the law or changes to our data collection and security practices. We recommend that you review it regularly for your own knowledge and benefit.