Our Services


You had the bright business idea. DING.

You set up the Instagram account, jotted down your ideas in a fancy-looking presentation and maybe bought a web domain for your new hustle. But now you’ve drawn a blank. Or maybe you have so many ideas that you’re struggling to prioritise what you should do next.

Fear not. NYTA can help you define your strategy and your next steps.


We’ll ask you questions like:

  • What is your opportunity?

  • With that opportunity in mind, what is your objective?

  • What would it take to achieve that objective?

Growth Projects

Maybe we worked together on your strategy, maybe we didn’t. Once you have an established business that’s got some loyal customers, the next question will be growth.

How do you grow your client or customer base to make sure they keep coming back to you, or how do you grow your product or range of services?

Here’s how NYTA will step it up for you. We’ll:

  • Do detailed appraisals of your business opportunities

  • Present you with options on how to deliver your next growth project

  • Set measures for success and a framework to assess whether your goals were met


You’re up and running and potentially a long way from where you started. Fast-forward and now you’ve got staff, payroll and suppliers.

As you grow, you’ll no doubt come across some growing pains.

You might be looking at:

  • Improving processes and ways of working

  • Getting to the root cause of the issue (and finding ways to fix it)

  • Trade-related support in retail or e-commerce (my specialism)

Or maybe you have a very unique problem that you can’t quite solve. Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands with NYTA.

NYTA isn’t just about strategy, problem-solving and growth.

We bring your people together.

Change and growth programmes need to inspire your people to succeed. Sometimes communicating that vision can cause friction, so you need someone who can bring people together and encourage them to embrace the unknown. NYTA will give you that person.

We’ll take the time to understand your team and your business and the best way of winning their trust and getting them to come along on the journey with you. After all, successful businesses are made with successful and happy teams.

NYTA is all about respect.

We’re an outgoing bunch with approachable personalities – we love getting to know people and we’re not scared of senior figures in business (a skill developed to perfection over the past 10 years).

Everyone matters. Good ideas can come from the top or from the bottom, and we’ll work to give everyone a voice to give you a true picture of your business and how we can evolve it.